
    Since 2017, the City Council of Salamanca has been working on implementing the Más Tormes Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy (EDUSI TORMES+). This Strategy, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Sustainable Growth Programme 2014-2020, involved a functional transformation of the Tormes river area, its riverbanks and the connecting areas.

    The Resolution of 29 September 2016 from the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, through which grants from the first call for bids for selecting Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategies were awarded, marked the administrative start of this successful Strategy. With municipal investment of more than twenty-two million euros, of which approximately nine and a half come from ERDF, it is safe to say that it has undoubtedly been one of the largest sustainable urban development initiatives carried out in the city.

    The Strategy was registered on the conceptual framework defined by the European Union’s Cohesion Policy, implemented by means of the document framework ‘European Strategy 2020’ which identifies three features which should characterise growth processes in the EU. Firstly, smart growth through knowledge development and innovation; secondly, sustainable growth based on a greener economy which is more effective and more competitive at resource management; and lastly, integrated growth, focussed on boosting employment, as well as social and territorial cohesion.

    The focal point of the Strategy is the river Tormes and its riverbanks as a unique area of opportunity to develop projects and initiatives valuing local resources. Thus, the intervention contributes to improving the spacial interaction and integration of the Trastormes neighbourhoods and their connection to the rest of the city, overcoming the river’s role as a barrier, a space of separation between the urban centre and the suburbs, which it has historically represented.

  • Organised around seven integrated lines of action, the EDUSI has coordinated urban, environmental, socio-economic and technological investment based on a public participation process which recognises the importance of involving people in Salamanca in the debate on future urban development.

    In conclusion, the implementation of EDUSI TORMES+, together with the Green Infrastructure Strategy (Savia Green network) and the Municipal Adaptation to Climate Change Strategy, all of these instruments linked to the city’s Urban Agenda approved in 2022, place Salamanca on the path to green, technological and digital transition in order to deal with the future framework of the 2021-2027 programme of the EU’s Cohesion Policies.


    1- Green corridors 2- Urban Allotments 3- Lazarillo Park 4- Chamberí Park 5- Integrated Environmental Centre in Huerta Otea 6- Tejares fishery 7- Blood Waterwheel 8-Environmental, cultural and scenic itineraries 9- New crossing over the river Tormes 10- Existing crossings over the river Tormes 11- Adapt railway overbridge 12-Sustainable connectivity of operations. Cycle path 13- Reurbanisation of Tejares centre 14- Improvements to Plaza Extremadura 15- Integrate sustainable and energy-efficient solutions in Urban Allotments 16- Sporting facilities and infrastructure in neighbourhoods 17- Economic Activity Centre in Buenos Aires 18- Develop Tormes+ Entrepreneurship and Training Centre 19- Smart City Tormes+